• To 'leave a comment' in the 'comments section', (not the actual comments section. The fake wiki comments section. The testimonials) let me know that you want it to be a 'comment', and under what name/anon you'd like it to be!
  • Also let me know if you'd be like to be listed under the Minor Attributes: Friends: wiki section that I haven't put yet (And if you'd want to be linked to somewhere!) (;
oct 21 2016 ∞
oct 21 2016 +

DFI: Now, this isn't really saying /don't follow/, I appreciate fans, but I won't be inclined to follow back, if that's what you're seeking. If you just want to follow without expecting anything in return, honestly, go right ahead!

  • You're kin with/ID as/follow someone who's a double of Magoroku Shido (That's me!)
  • You're kin with/ID as/follow someone who's a double of Louis Philippe D'Orleans from Innocent but honestly how likely is that? Not very.
  • You don't want to follow someone who IDs as Saturn, Pearl, Arceus and Darkrai (Pokemon), Irabu (Kuuchuu Buranko), Monoma and Aoyama (BNHA), Maruss and Zofis (Zatch Bell), I'm mostly fine with doubles and don't talk about these characters as much, but, you know. I don't know who you are and what your rules are, and I'd still li...
nov 18 2016 ∞
nov 18 2016 +