i. cute nicknames ☾
- darling: loves long conversations, has a notebook full of words and art, likes art museums and flower gardens, feels a bit lost all the time, deep thinker
ii. space ☾
- moonlight: sleep deprived af, genius ideas at 2:00 am, constantly underestimated, tangled earbuds, pretends like they don’t care but actually cares a lot, unscented candles
iii. hours of the day ☾
- 2am: city lights from a high rise, dusty book piles, tired eyes, writing stories, indie concerts, procrastination, denim jackets, classic movies, writing in a diary, impulse shopping, plants on the window ledge
iv. weather ☾
- rain: eyes full of emotion, good with words, a bit unpredictable, very unique, prefers loose clothing, melancholy smiles, doesn’t open up easily, inherently believes that everyone has some good in them, thoughtful
v. seasons ☾
- autumn: a soft heart that is continuously being healed and broken. a poet that associates every little thing with a person or a memory. bullet journals filled with dreams and pressed flowers and plane tickets. road trips together under the starlit sky, but also lazy afternoons on the sofa. photographs can’t capture their entire beauty. they make you want to do everything and be everything. a quiet beauty that grows more radiant the more you know them. they make you excited to be alive
vi. moon phases ☾
- new moon: elaborate skin care routine, planning your outfit for the next day, looking for constellations, setting your alarm, sleeping in complete darkness, peacefulness
vii. colors of sunsets ☾
- violet: hipster aesthetic, loves animals and interior designs, self-confident, gentle soul, probably talented at either sports or arts, thinks they’re awkward (but aren’t), not rebellious, easy to talk to, can make you cry from laughing so hard
viii. tea ☾
- milk tea: wanderlust, independent, listens more than they talk, into fitness, has select close friends, plays an instrument, secretive, has a taste for luxury
ix. colors ☾
- white: aimless strolls through museums, glasses pushed back up after looking up from a book, rolled sleeves on baggy sweatshirts, organized notes, lowercase songs
x. times of day ☾
- evening: party animal, bright lights and pretty people, likes to cook, warmer browns or black, drifting through life, fading lights to dark rooms, cold drinks on summer days, best dressed always, heart eyes 24/7
xi. elements ☾
- earth: dirt under their fingernails, humble, very down to earth, always willing to help, the strong friend, always has new interesting facts to tell, basically a walking dictionary, tough as all hell, doesn’t love easily but always loves deeply
jan 8 2022 ∞
jan 9 2022 +