if ur kin/id with these characters i may be a little wary about following you.. it's not a huge deal, it only bugs me sometimes- if you follow first it's likely i'll still follow back (for most).

mostly it's just because i either really relate to the character or am really affectionate over them.

also if we've already talked, it's likely that i won't mind as much !

pretty important (as in, i won't be able to see you as the character) โ€”

  • mika kagehira
  • komaeda nagito
  • any of my synpaths except yamaguchi (not lesser sympaths)

less important โ€”

  • my top 5 enstars faves
  • makishima yuusuke
  • "very slightly lesser" sympaths except mcnamara

this doesn't apply if i follow first!

jul 24 2017 โˆž
sep 2 2017 +