
  • I can like ships with small age gaps if I think their dynamic would be great post-canon. If you're gonna get mad about this, I do not recommend following me, and feel free to softblock if I followed first and didn't notice you're uncomfortable with it (in which case I'm extremely sorry;;)
  • I hate anti/pro-ship discourse. Both have things I disagree with, so don't ask me "which side I'm from". This doesn't mean I'm neutral or a ped0philia enabler or whatever-- I have opinions and things I loathe in fiction as much as the next person.
  • I am FUB free (follow/unfollow/block) so I do not care what kind of views you have, as long as you are kind. If I have any issue with your content, however, I simply won't follow back and/or block if I don't want you around. Please don't take it personally!
jan 23 2020 ∞
oct 29 2021 +