- quinoa
- baked sweet potato, mashed sweet potato, sweet potato fries
- ofengemüse
- baby spinach
- blueberries
- salmon
- trout
- walnuts
- almonds
- cottage cheese
- (cheese in general)
- broccoli
- eggs
- avocado
- dried tomatoes
- tomatoes
- pine nuts
- chia seeds
- mango
- dark chocolate, mon cherie, schokoküsse (stuff you can't overeat on)
- water water water
- tea
- coconut oil
- ginger
- pomegranate
- eggplant
- legumes
- lettuce and salads
- cabbage
- cauliflower
- carrots
- zucchini
- whole-grain pasta
- fennel
- apples
- radishes
- celery
- coffee
- freshly pressed (blood) oranges
- persimmons
- peanut butter
- bacon
- ham
- kiwi
- cucumber
- grapes
- greek yogurt
- oats
- honey
- maple sirup
- kimchi
- poultry (chicken, turkey, ...)
- bananas
- plums
- pears
- nectarines
- raisins
- almond & soy milk
- currants
- dried cranberries
- pomelo
- cinnamon
things i won't stay away from (personal exceptions)
and - in moderation
- toast(ies)
- rye bread
- pastry
- cocktails
- restaurant visits of any kind
- sesame oil (because Korean cuisine ;;)
- sticky rice (once again because of Korean food)
- 100% fruit juice
- pretzels & lye rolls
- dried mango etc.
dec 17 2013 ∞
mar 17 2015 +