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could she have gone to sleep again? no, she is giving her consciousness time to accustom itself to the waking world. time plays an important role, as when a person has been moved into a room with vastly different atmospheric pressure and must allow the bodily functions to adjust. her consciousness recognises that unavoidable changes have begun, and it struggles to accept them

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amy wish list (2022)

i love daydreaming!

  • get a table instead of a desk because desks are just NOT ENOUGH i need an ENTIRE TABLE to spread ALL MY SH*T OUT there is no desk that will suffice it must be a whole mcfreakin' TABLE
  • film videos where y'all actually get to hear me ranting/talking about music like aren't you curious abt exactly how i sound when i say CAR?????? in real life me too (@ prettymuch seriously what the F*CK do you mean i can be your CAR???????)
  • HAVE THE BEST AUDIO SYSTEM SET UP like gotta make sure i have no neighbours or neighbours who are Hard of Hearing first but HOOOO I WANT SPEAKERS TO PLAY MY MUSIC WHEREVER I GO
  • duBsIE's uLtiMaTe tECh SeT uP featuring a whole bunch of shit like a headphone stand and a laptop fan that i don't need but really want!
jan 3 2018 ∞
aug 25 2018 +