- Fall in love
- Finish at least one of my original stories
- Finish collage
- Flirt with someone in other language
- Get a tattoo
- Get married in vegas
- Get over some of my fears
- Go to a concert without planning (iza and gustavo mioto)
- Go to a pub with my friends
- Go to a Sleep over
- Have a cat
- Know some important expressions (hi, sorry i dont speak ..., thank you) in five different languages besides my native
- Lose the fear of commitment
- Make someone happy for knowing me
- Met at least one of my web friends lost count went to concerts, sleep overs, weddings with wf
- Paint my hair with a fantasy color (green,blue or pink)
- Shave my hair
- Survive to a great adventure (interunesp 2019)
- Travel abroad
- Travel with my friends
jan 29 2018 ∞
mar 21 2025 +