Books that I have read, reread, or am in the process of reading. I've always wished I read more, so hopefully this list helps me out as it keeps track of my progress.
I don't know how many times I've gone through this book, but every time feels like a new and different experience. Strangely enough, I've never read it from cover to cover. More than anything, I read it as philosophy first and fiction second.
Still a difficult but rewarding read. Proof that language need not be high-flown to be rich and beautiful. Picked it up again after watching the movie again. Both are sublime in their own way.
Another book I've never read from cover to cover, and it shouldn't be! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Along with One Hundred Years of Solitude, one of my very favorites.
I've finally read something new! And boy is it a masterpiece! The language is magnificent:
Now the other side presented itself to Lily, the volcanic nether side of the surface over which conjecture and innuendo glide so lightly till the first fissure turns their whisper to a shriek...
And the heroine and her love story. So damn exquisite and heartbreaking. Now I want to read The Age of Innocence!
Still can't seem to finish this book. There's something about the middle part that turns me off. There is definitely nothing wrong with the technique, as the beginning and end are lovely. I'll try again some time.
Despite his reputation, I can't say I've been terribly impressed by this author. There are quite a few short stories in these anthologies that I find very good, but I wouldn't call them great. I found the cultural displacement from Japan and constant references to Western art and culture extremely irritating at first, but now I've gotten used to it. Perhaps he doesn't translate well into English? Maybe his novels are better.
Honestly, I'd rather read and reread these novels than either of the Murakamis. Supremely enjoyable, and surprisingly literary at times! With me, there is no such thing as a guilty pleasure.
I still don't entirely get this manga, but that's not unexepected as it's the same case with the first book. From what I can glean from it, this, along with Ghost in the Shell, is perhaps the most profound statement I've encountered regarding the body, identity, technology, and virtual space. Marvelous, but a downright challenge to get through.
Fascinating and enlightening. Discusses the aesthetics, cultural context, and economics of Japanese comics with intelligence and, more importantly, critical academic insight. Nary a trace of fanboyism or fangirlism.
The best guidebooks I've come across so far. Visually spectacular: they're in full color and the photographs range from places to people to food to art to money and road signs! Also extremely informative, they provide not only details on the sights to see, but historical and cultural backgrounds as well. Love them!
I'm slowly figuring out the tropes Christie uses to construct her mysteries, so the solution this time around wasn't altogether too surprising. What is more interesting, however, is that the novel reads like a dark comedy about class relations beneath the conventional whodunit trappings. It seems like there is always something else going on in Christie's writings than she is usually given credit for.