• Dear pie,
  • I know you had been falling down cause some people are being mean since that you stop live streaming. But we all respect your choice. I hope you feel better you can conact any of us if you need help or somebody to talk with. beside, I know how hard it is to give up on a dream that you plan for awhile. But I hope you understand that we all care about you even if you are being in sad place right now. I know that people use you as a tool for stuff but promise us something please. Don't ever give up on your dream we all here to help you out and we love you since your that person who made us play scary games. And thanks to you that I overcome my fear of scary game well kinda but I will try to help you and others as well. I wish you have a time to take a break for a month or two to take care but you don't need to care about those fake fans you got since I know they are there for your frame. Please, dont give up on you dream or us. You can still update on us on the community page of your channel to tell us. I hope you love your life of break from youtuber. I promise that none of us will forget you!
  • From Kittycat_Wendy and everybody
mar 8 2021 ∞
mar 8 2021 +