• A mostly functional, whole family with loving parents & wonderful baby sister
  • Being raised with good morals, values & beliefs
  • Not having been born with or caught any chronic illnesses or diseases
  • Good looks from my parents (eyes & nose from dad, mouth & smile from mom)
  • A free, full k-12 Canadian system education (most Canadian kids wouldn't survive in Singapore schools...)
  • The people that have come, gone, and stayed in my life thus far
  • All my relationships, albeit having all been < 3 months with the exception of Nick
  • 1 year & 11.6 months with Nick (11 days until our 2 year mark)
  • How wonderful, caring, loving, sweet, sensitive-but-not-too-much, good looking, silly, mature, talented, diverse, well sensed, aware, cuddly, adventurous, intelligent, chilled out, well paired with me, satisfied and satisfying, open to challenges, open minded, generous, hard working, family oriented, giving, observant, detailed, easy going, keen, level headed and so much more, that Nick is
  • Never having been fired from any of my jobs
  • Making a living for myself for 2 years since moving out after high school graduation
  • Having the choice & offer to always move back home if need be during college (if I can't find an affordable place to rent when my current lease ends)
  • How my mom reaches out to me in the most subtle of ways through which I see her loving me
  • The long and difficult road of losing his temper (literally) that my dad went down to heal and mend his relationship with me
  • How fortunate I am to be able to listen to so many good bands and see so many amazing live shows
  • Having a useful, short education which will further me to getting a solid, well paying career

More coming later for sure; I could spend hours making this list... it's 2:27 AM though.

may 17 2010 ∞
jan 17 2013 +