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para o ser humano mais doce do planeta. eu tenho orgulho de ser sua amiga e orgulho da pessoa que se tornou, se o mundo fosse repleto de pessoas como você nós já estaríamos 49389 passos a frente.

espero que seu dia seja repleto de amor.


dear best friend, wake up and welcome to a new begnning. i love you, i need you, promise me you'll never leave, pinky promise. the world... it needs your smile, it needs you beauty and i promise you that there are things that are worth living for... like ice cream!!! why would you ever want to give that up before you have to??? or the feeling you get when you stand on top of a mountain, and you stare at the big wide world below, don't forget it's beauty... and don't forget yours.

i know there seems to be more dark than light in this world there days but there s light. you will heal and dometimes the healing is the aching but you're my superhero, no one is like you and that's your power!! your journey is unique and your story is unfinished, don't write the ending now.

you're me best friend... without you i'd be lost. don't be scared, everything that you want is on the other side of fear and remember some of the best books have torn pages and stretch mark covers and nobody likes a movie where everything goes right. your story is beautiful, it's the heart of gold in the start of soul that makes you beautiful._

embrace the glourious mess that you are, you make broken look beautiful and strong look invincible, you walk with the universe on your shoulders and make it look like a pair of wings. i love you to the moon and back.

feb 17 2018 ∞
feb 17 2018 +