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  • that i am NINETEEN YEARS OLD. i am so, so young and still have lots of life to live.
  • that it's never good to chase someone.
  • that in my 19 years of being on this earth, everything has worked out for the best, no matter how much i thought it wouldn't. so the rest of my life should be the same.
  • if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. let go, live your life, and it will come back to you if it's supposed to happen. if not, that just means something better will come along.
  • i shouldn't forget the dreams i had before a boy came into my life. i wanted to travel, meet as many interesting people as i could, experience anything & everything (with the exception of hardcore drugs.) i need to return to those dreams.
  • because i am so young, i really need to go out and do things i will wish i had done once i get older.
  • i have my own identity.
  • life is full of lessons, some that make you hurt like no other. but it is essentially an amazing experience, one you only get once.
apr 28 2009 ∞
nov 27 2009 +