• smile and laugh often, despite whatever is going on-- it'll help.
  • believing that you're kinda a big deal will make others believe you're kinda a big deal
  • drama often obscures the real issues
  • just believing in something can make it happen
  • playing it safe can cause more damage in the long run
  • keep your head up. yes, things are bad now but this is all part of "the plan" that life has, and everything will work itself out. Remember, this is a necessary chapter in your life that's unfolding exactly as it should. take this as an opportunity to do some soul-searching and figure out where you want to go in your life. do some house-cleaning, read, and just take a breather. just stay strong. if you can be a good girl and keep your head up, you'll be a much stronger person when you get through this. just stay strong, take joy in what you have, laugh, and things will look up. they always do.
  • assume, until you get evidence to the contrary, that every guy you meet finds you irresistible.
  • be brave. even when you're not, pretend to be.
  • watch for big problems. they disguise big opportunities.
  • love today, no matter the circumstance.
  • breathe. just breathe. life goes on.
dec 22 2009 ∞
dec 22 2009 +