• I am ambitious
    • Back in elementary I have always wanted to be a writer, so I joined every spelling bee contests there is, and essay writing contests, so in 6th grade my essay got in the top three which landed me to be a Feature Writer in the school paper
    • One of my dream was also to be an actress/performer eversince so back in High School I always participated in school plays, my first major role was in 2nd year in High School where I played the lead role for the female cast, and in third year high school, was also one of the leads and our section even got in the preliminations that competed with other classes in our batch and we got in 3rd place in the finals, also competed in a school pageant (urgh) as Ms Bangladesh which required me to have a talent portion and danced along with an Enya song and on fourth year of high school, also to compete for class play pre-lims had to do a one-act play
    • When I first started watching korean dramas and movies and listening to Korean music (back in 2006) I said to myself I would learn the language, and by myself. I bought all the Korean-English dictionaries I could have, watched more Korean dramas and movies and listened to Korean songs and after six months I could write in Hangul, speak a little and understand some and when we went to South Korea, it helped us a lot in the directions and conversing with people there, thanks to my ambition to learn a new language.
    • I have always wanted to have an iPod to fill my movie/music addiction, so I bought a second-hand 80g classic iPod from a friend, saved enough money after a year to buy a new one, now I got a 160g iPod classic.
    • I also wanted to have an iPhone, so I had to take a part-time job (besides the day job I have) as a tutor so I could have a money to spend weekly because almost all my pay every 15th and 30th goes to the iPhone fee so after 2 months, I got one.
    • I want to publish my own book someday, so I have a compilation of it and hopefully after finishing writing all of it, will have it published
  • I am a smart-ass (too)
    • Because I am wide-reader, I became fluent in English language since I was 11, Oxford's Encyclopedia is one of my old trusted friend until 2nd year High School
    • I am also a wide-watcher, since I was 10 I was already an avid watcher of Nickelodeon, and by 11 I was hooked in Charmed, Dawson's Creek, Ally McBeal, X-files, Party of Five, Seventh Heaven, WWF etc which also contributed how I also learned more of English language
    • I graduated with honors when I was in 2nd grade of Elementary and until 6th grade I was in the top section of my batch (classes in which most of the honor students comes from)
    • Back in 2nd year high school, (after not belonging to the top section anymore, I vowed to myself to show them that I still belonged to be in a top class so throughout all the semester of 3rd year, I was the Top 1 or 2 of our class which depended on our overall average's and I always aced quizzes and periodical exams
    • When I got into College/Uni, I almost became a dean's lister
    • For my English major class, which is to submit a Thesis, we are required to have at least one partner, but I do not trust anyone and spared myself the trouble of interacting with another student, I made my own thesis, and got an average of 1.5
    • My classmates assigned me to the leader in our Marketing Dilemma Thesis and as some of my friends are my classmates and as no one else could stand as a leader, I took the responsibility of the leadership and did all the Thesis myself, during the Defense of the Thesis, My Marketing Major Professor asked my other groupmates to leave the room and and talked to me and told me to answer truthfully if I did all the Project myself, I said yes. She told me and I paraphrase "You did? So, you have brains after all (pertaining I was smart after all) but why are you almost always tardy?" I laughed. Because I am really tardy back in Uni
    • I have stock knowledge and photographic memory (I think that's intelligence)
    • I used to memorize all the states of USA (even if we didn't really study that in school)
  • I am Loyal to friends, family, loved ones
    • I didn't get a loyalty award in High School because when I was graduating and in 4th year, last semester I got a 2nd offense and was called in the Principals' and Guidance because one time I was dropping by my younger sis' class and she got out of her room, and I saw her lips was blown up and she was teary eyed and being the older sis, I asked what happened and she said she got into a fight with her classmate so I called out that classmate of hers, pushed her in front of a teacher and was asking to fight me instead
    • Every enemy of my best friend, close friends are also an enemy of mine
    • One time, I had a cat fight with this chick because my best friend hates her so much but she's the one who doesn't fight back and she was slutting around with her boyfriend so instead we went for the slutty chick and I had the upperhand during the fight (which I initiated btw) but she tore my shirt and the guys stopped us. When they asked why I did it, I said I was doing it for my best friend
    • My bestfriends from high school are still my best friend's, I only stick to friends I have always had since I was 11 and in HS but I get along well with other's although my loyalty is still to my older friends and of course, family
  • I am Cunning
    • So it was intramurals back in Uni and we got one week just sports events and competitions but after that I got lazy after that week and did not went to my Computer minor class (HTML & Excel) and my Prof who was kind of the perv, asked me why I was absent for almost a week and I should have been dropped already but I get along well with him and my reason was I got measles, when in fact it was my younger sis who had measles and if he'd ask for a medical certificate I'd used hers but he didn't ask for one and I still got good grades in that subject
    • I really hated my Accounting subjects back then and my prof was an old man and a little pervy too so before the Finals, I saw him, shook his hands and said if I can just skip getting the Finals and it was a long shaking of hands but I still passed Accounting 3
    • Whenever I get late at work I say I had dysmenorrhea or migraine but I really just got late to wake up
  • I am mostly always misunderstood
    • People always tell me that I look smug and snobbish when they first saw me
    • They say it's hard to approach me because of my "snobby persona" but in reality I almost always keeps to myself or sometimes be alone because I am mostly comfy when I am alone or during first week of classes even in school I am really a shy and awkward person
  • I have lied my way out of things, situations, cheated to win, to pass exams, but have never cheated on a partner, and during a relationship is very loyal
  • Even though I wanted to be a performer/actress and have been a leader, I am always the kind of person who works much better alone, and/or in the dark or behind the scenes, and to see things happen and unfold
  • I am materialistic and frugal, if I want something, I would not have any regrets to buy it, I would not be content without having what I want
  • I can make things happen when I want to, get what I want, and although I mostly wear a mask, in reality hiding my emotions and feelings, which can make me good at Occlumency (Most Slytherins are great at it, right?) and my output mechanism are blogs and SNS but in reality I am almost passive-aggressive and hide what I really feel and I am mostly good at interpreting others emotions because of empathy
  • I am brave but sometimes I do not have the guts and spine and can be a coward that hides most of the times
  • I can be really selfish especially with the person I love, or with the things I want and need


sep 5 2011 ∞
oct 18 2011 +