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  • Since I was really small, I've wanted to be a mother. It's strange to imagine a small child wanting to be a mother, but it's true. I want a child to mother probably more than anything I could ever want.
  • I hate people playing with my hair. It makes me feel like a small child running away from my mom and her hairbrush. I literally cringe every time someone touches my head.
      • I also hate the sound of blow dryers. Gah. In fact I really just hate blow dryers. I hate using them, I hate hearing them, I hate how hot they are. I only like the smell. I really like the smell.
  • I get bored easily. That's why I tend to fail at day to day activities. Like homework. Routines are not my thing.
  • Sometimes I just want to walk off campus and get lost in the world. I know that It's dangerous to walk around by yourself, especially at night and especially if your a girl, so I don't. But it's something I've thought about doing a lot.
  • I'm pretty sure I JUST realized how much of a rockstar my dad is. He really is. It's sort of awesome. I'm continually impressed with him and what he's done and what he's doing.
  • Sometimes I wish life had turned out different. I always imagined that my life would just be a continuation of my brother and sisters... I would go through school and go to IND for hs. I'd go on all the same retreats and youth group stuff. I'd have much of the same experiences and be just like them. For a long time, even after we moved, I still tried and struggled to follow their paths. But after a while, I realized that I'm me. I'm not them. We are three completley different people. And I'm okay with that.
  • I am not a good relationship advice giver. NOT AT ALL. Wanna know why? I've never had a relationship. So if you ask me for advice regarding matters of the heart, be prepared for unhelpfulness to the extreme!
  • I thank God everyday for my mom. She's really awesome. She is supportive and loving and will pretty much do anything to help me towards happiness. She's great.
  • I'm not scared of death much. Ironically, the only time I'm actually afraid of dying is in church. I think that death isn't quite a new adventure... but more of a new and unknown experience.
  • I literally feel sick when I think about this person I'm becoming. I need to stop this. I need to concentrate on what is important and not whatever this is. I need guidance more than ever right this minute.
  • I get really confused when I'm in Florida and see a Maryland license plate. And vice versa.
  • I love traveling but the thought that I'm in one state when I wake up and a different one when I fall asleep freaks me out.
  • Vicks Vapor Rub is my dad's miracle drug. Sore throat? Rub some vicks on your chest. Stuffed up? Rub some vicks on your chest. Sprained ankle? Rub some vicks on your chest. Just kidding about the last one. Mostly. But really, you should try it next time your congested. It works miracles and though its uncomfortable and smells bad and makes your chest icky and gross, it works. I'm using some right now.
  • I apparently am failing at this one a day business... there should be 4 less of these than there are right now. Oh well. Maybe it's more like one a day, and sometimes more when I feel like it.
mar 15 2010 ∞
mar 26 2010 +