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I have two of the Best Friends in the world.

  • A Best Friend will always be there for you. Even at 4am. If they don't answer their phone, or aren't online, it does not mean they aren't there for you. They're there. They are just heavy sleepers.
  • A Best Friend will almost always know what your talking about. You don't have to constantly explain every little thought and feeling to them. The longer you've been friends, the more likely they are to know what your going to say.
  • A Best Friend can sit with you in complete silence, either in person or over the phone, and not get bored. Now, if this has been going on for over 5 minutes, they may get bored. But a Best Friend understands that you don't need to talk every minute of every day. Sometimes my best friend and I will just call each other to hold the phone and know someone is there.
  • A Best Friend will get angry with you. Frequently. You will get angry with your Best Friend. Also, frequently. Probably because you are so much like your Best Friend that you tend to get annoyed and tired of each other sometimes. Realize your argument is stupid and move on.
  • You can usually tell when something is wrong with your Best Friend. It's just hard when you don't know what to do about it.
  • I worry about my Best Friends a lot.
  • I wish I went to the same school as my Best Friends. I miss them so much, it's ridiculous.
    • On the other hand, I'm glad we don't all go to the same school. I'm glad that we have space from each other and can grow separately. Just not apart. We'll never grow apart.
mar 15 2010 ∞
mar 20 2010 +