• 5.2. Went to my placement. Almost slipped on the ice on the way to the shop but an old man told me to be careful. He held the door open for me and I said thanks. Then when I was leaving the shop, I saw him coming towards the door so I waited for him. He said I was a 'good n'. It made my day. Chivalry isn't dead.
  • 6.2. Stayed in all day today. Watched a film and listened to music, then Skyped Andrew for the first time in ages. He gets nicer and nicer every time we talk, if that's possible.
  • 7.2. Watched some movies, curled my hair for tomorrow. I can't really remember what else I did.
  • 8.2. Went over to Israel's house. I haven't seen her in a few years so it was fun to catch up. We took a bunch of pictures and a couple of videos. We also nearly died because... spiders. I really need to meet up with some more of my old friends. It was great.
  • 9.2. Wrote a little bit of Waterloo Road fanfiction.
  • 10.2. Watched a load of movies. Something interesting needs to happen.
  • 11.2. -
  • 12.2. Went to my placement again today. The lads from downstairs threw snowballs at the window so I got a giant piece of paper and wrote "Go Away" on it, before sticking it in the window. They responded by coming upstairs and chucking a snowball at my side. It was more like an iceball. It hurt, and it made a mess. It was still funny though.
  • 13.2. It snowed some more today. I went out shopping at Meadowhall so dad could buy some new joggies. Then I got a drink from Maccy D's. A drink only. This diet is killing me.
  • 14.2. Valentine's Day. Alex was my valentine, along with Andrew. Waterloo Road kicked butt. Shipping Sian and Barry so hard.
  • 15.2. Posted something I wrote online for the first time. It got some good response so I'm happy, but I'm nervous about posting more.
  • 16.2. Callum asked me to be his valentine. Two days late. Heck yeah.
  • 17.2. -
  • 18.2. -
  • 19.2. -
  • 20.2. -
  • 21.2. Got a haircut. Carl told dad that mum has a brain tumor. I didn't believe it at first, but it's true.
  • 22.2. Went for an eye test. My eyesight has got worse. Called Leanne for the first time in a year and the same for mum. She explained the process to me. They removed the majority of the tumor but now she's housebound for a few months because they had to get rid of a portion of her skull. She's gonna have a titanium plate thing put in and then she has to go through some radiotherapy. I haven't heard from either of them since I called.
  • 23.2. -
  • 24.2. Went to the cinemas with Israel. First she dropped the popcorn, and then spilt the majority of her drink. What a silly girl. We didn't get offered free popcorn. Also the ticket prices have managed to go up by a landslide; they're like 6 quid for a kid now. It's rubbish. Not going back. For the record, the movie was a load of poo. Think I saw Mark for the first time in years, but I barely recognised him. If it was him, he didn't recognise me at all.
  • 25.2. Went to bed at 5am and woke up at 5pm. Proceeded to stay in bed all day and feel sorry for myself.
  • 26.2. Tried to sleep at midnight, but nope. Stared at the ceiling for the best part of three hours. Then I decided to put some music on. Still nothing for about an hour. Finally fell asleep for a short while. Continued to fall into a tiring asleep-then-awake cycle. Weirdly, I woke up feeling awake. (Even though I have acquired a massive headache.) I get the feeling that today isn't going to be a good day.
  • 27.2. Finally decided what I want to do with the rest of my life. Couldn't be happier. I ended the day by taking a long bath.
  • 28.2. Stayed up until the early hours of the morning writing.
feb 6 2013 ∞
sep 30 2013 +