• when i told you i loved you for the first time and you just held me and kissed every exposed shoulderblade and bumpy spinal cord in my neck you could find. the way i was scared to say it, and you made me feel so comfortable about telling you.
  • the number of times we've had sex while your roommate was asleep in the room, (sorry j).
  • when i couldn't sleep & was crying and you woke up and held me and calmed me down and asked what was wrong and if i had a bad dream and then fucked me til i was tired & ready to sleep and the way you kept saying, i am here. i am here. i am always here for you. wake me up when you are sad. we made love for the first time that night
  • when you woke up and cried and let me hold you until you calmed down.
  • "you wouldn't ever kill yourself ever." "i wouldn't." "promise me." "i promise."
  • how you text me goodnight every night
  • how you keep pushing me to connect with you and trust you and tell you how i'm feeling and what i'm thinking
  • every time we have a quiet, hypothetical conversation about whether each of us would want kids in the future, and how many we would want and when.
  • holding your hand & exploring the universe & talking about everything that comes up and nothing too
  • when i pointed out a tree growing up out of the water 10m out from shore and we both simultaneously said that we should try swimming to it next time.
  • when you got really sad and emotional that i was leaving and you wanted nachos and nothing was going right and i told you i loved you and you said it back.
  • when you said you wanted to tell me you loved me saturday only what happened saturday you didn't want to be remembered as the first time you said it.
may 9 2016 ∞
jun 10 2016 +