• we biked down to the humber and i peeled a peach for you. you told me, "your mom intimidates the fuck outta me."
  • when you leave me notes at work on food you want me to eat
  • the way you noticed the scar on my left ankle, and the birthmark on my knee
  • you kept the sticky note with the eap phone number i made for you
  • watching you charm small babies and children
  • when you told me that it may seem like you're boosting, but youre way better than the league you play in, but that you really just want to play hockey with your dad
  • "the more i hear about this guy the less i like him" about my ex
  • when you gave me your hat to keep my hair out of your face
  • when you ask me how you can help when I'm stressed out
  • the sam cooke song you love because you listened to it after i talked it up
  • how you bug me when you want me to pay attention to you
aug 2 2017 ∞
aug 29 2017 +