• people who genuinely care
  • quilts that tell stories and warm our worries away
  • Shel Silverstein
  • inside jokes that last for months
  • the sound of your favorite voice across the telephone line
  • beautiful weather that behaves well and smells sweet
  • receiving the opportunity to jump inside the head of another
  • The Velvet Underground
  • the comfort in knowing that everyone in the world sleeps under the same sky
  • imagining the beach in Chicago filled with snow, the seagulls singing up ahead, and a bed just centered in the sand, smothered with blankets, you, and a very happy me
  • old photos that carry sacred memories
  • The Smiths
  • the beginning of a new friendship
  • permanent smile lines
  • cold pizza
  • the thrill in keeping your own secrets
  • the calm before a storm
  • a state of continual “becoming”
  • old-fashioned summers
  • good news for a change
  • devoting an entire night to movies of your childhood
  • antique malls
  • comfortable old shirts to sleep in
  • old books that smell of past memories
  • having an imagination to kiss everyone you’ve always wanted to kiss
  • finding the flowers you pressed years ago in an old book
  • having an “I ♥ my cat” mug
  • wild orchids
  • orange sherbet ice cream
  • the wind whispering sweet nothings
  • wearing red lipstick just because
  • The Kinks
  • wishing on a full moon
  • daydreaming
  • doing the right thing even when no one is looking
  • handwriting and the way we all have our own
  • comparing hands
  • classic beauties
  • how empowering it feels to crumple up old notes and old you's
  • secondhand books that have notes and other things still left in them
  • the word “plum”
  • rain on your eyelashes
  • writing letters on your desk to all of the other anonymous people who sit there during the day
  • strawberries and cream
  • “Meet me in Montauk.”
  • being alive with you
  • nature walks
  • when Belle and The Beast dance to “Tale as Old as Time”
  • singing in the rain
  • willow trees that always have stories to tell
  • dimples (both cheek and back)
  • painting pictures in your head all day long
  • masquerade parties
  • pancakes at 2 in the morning
  • Sunday Morning by The Velvet Underground
  • sleeping in
  • never wearing a bra
  • believing in fortune cookies
  • having a stash of love letters that will always be kept a secret
  • enjoying a full moon
  • seeing an old couple and wondering how they began
  • sleeping during a rain storm
  • running into a hug
  • taking the time to appreciate the good things
  • discovering a field of flowers you had never before known
  • the first and last pages of your journal
  • “once in a blue moon” moments
  • the sound of rain meeting concrete
  • the mystery in everything
  • Seaside by The Kooks
  • victorian houses with pretty white fences and rose gardens
  • black cats
  • notebooks with blank pages to be filled
  • resilient days
  • discovering new vintage shops downtown
  • windblown hair
  • the moment you realize you can be whoever you want to be regardless of what others believe
  • pet cemeteries
  • seeing with new eyes
  • Little Wing by Jimi Hendrix
  • mouthing "I love you" across a room
  • laughing at yourself
  • finding the answer you were looking for
  • flowers resembling people
  • a flawless sea
  • when people describe themselves "in a nut shell"
  • being drug-free
  • finding your spiritual self in a mess of emotion
  • silver-lined clouds
  • rediscovering an old love
  • the small, yet significant details that make a person
  • feeling at peace with the unknown
  • the way trees blend together when you’re watching out of the car window and the world seems like it’s spinning twice as fast
  • reincarnation
  • bursting into laughter at sudden times
  • spending hours at the library, cherishing new explorations and discoveries
  • crying tears of joy
  • the lines that shape our hands and map our lives
  • reaching the center of yourself
  • a cathedral of tall trees
  • the smell of a new season approaching
  • sunshine in the morning
  • feeling at home in a bookstore
  • self-acceptance
  • wind waltzing with rain
  • shedding skin with Spring
  • a pastel-colored sky
  • Thomas Edison’s last words: "It’s very beautiful over there."
  • a field full of bright daffodils
  • meeting all people for a reason
  • cherishing today and hoping for tomorrow
  • watching a butterfly find its way
  • all of the possibilities our hands hold inside them
  • feeling the heartbeat of another
  • a kaleidoscope of people
  • encouraging words written in bathroom stalls
  • making friends with books
  • the way no two finger prints are the same
  • using your head as your own personal time machine
  • secret hideaways
  • falling in love with at least one thing a day
  • weekends mixed with sunshine
  • old bookstores to get lost in
  • counting your freckles and sometimes naming them too
  • mutual feelings
  • the potential of 45,000 words per pencil
  • naming clouds after memorable songs and famous poets
  • surprise UPS packages at the door
  • feeling the concrete of a new world beneath your feet
  • catching a date with a full moon
  • sweet lavender singing lullabies
  • leaving encouraging notes inside textbooks for future finding
  • the gentle heart of an elephant
  • a body made up of ocean waves and pure artistry
  • flowers and people blooming in sync
  • instrumental remedies
  • “Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.”
  • taking a deep breath after a long day
  • Here Comes the Sun by The Beatles
  • small twinges of inspiration that make big differences
  • “The Earth is what we all have in common.”
  • making the impossible possible
  • butterfly kisses
  • mysterious girls with long legs and flowing skirts
  • the memorable, the lasting
  • solar energy
  • the peeking of freckles in late Spring
  • ladybugs: the conspicuous creatures that remind us to smile
  • stargazing
  • untangling the negative and beginning again
  • “The littlest birds sing the prettiest songs.”
  • “did you know’s” from the wise and elderly
  • secondhand books that are filled with notes and underlined goodness
  • the world as our canvas
  • “Sara, you’re the poet in my heart. Never change, never stop.”
  • experiencing the growth of others
  • the sun lending us a shadow during lonely moments
  • swinging with closed eyes
  • memorizing every feature and mannerism of the ones we love
  • late night epiphanies
  • whims that lead to better days
  • “The Earth laughs in flowers.”
  • skeleton keys
  • open-to-the-sky freedom
  • flowers that grow beside empty roads to give us hope
  • the unique sense of humor in us all
  • saying “hello” to trees
  • the cusp of two souls in love
  • contagious laughter
  • people who get it
  • aimless walks leading to new revelations
  • living life like an open book
  • admiring the sun’s consistency
  • people who aren’t afraid to sing in public
  • kissing the lips of another (unlocking a door to something mystic)
  • the here and now
  • moments where you fit perfectly inside your own skin
  • book dedications
  • tarantism: the urge to overcome melancholy by dancing
  • girls with tambourines
  • dried roses
  • having a visitor in your made-up world who understands and sees the same things you do
  • the soft grazing of fingertips
  • experiencing your own personal seasons
  • feeling intimate with the moon
  • the magic you feel when the person you care about most says your name
  • sharing real eye contact with a stranger
  • time-traveling to all your favorite moments as soon as the lights go out
  • mothering plants and flowers
  • smiling so much, your cheeks feel bruised
  • “Some would try for fame and glory. Others just like to watch the world.”
  • knowing something “by heart”
  • the poetry in two girls kissing
  • skimming the sacred isles of a library
  • bare clavicles
  • feeling symbiotic with another
  • Simon & Garfunkel’s Greatest Hits
  • releasing liquid memory
  • sleeping on the opposite end of the bed
  • patchouli incense
  • gazing into infinity, feeling your worries disintegrate into dust
  • “When I say that I miss you, I mean something more.”
  • spring time consistently cradling us from harsh winters
  • the lightest pink you can imagine
  • dogs that find presents to leave on welcome mats
  • The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act 2: Waltz of the Flowers
  • specks of dust flirting with sunshine
  • disposable film, eternal moments
  • tree stumps you feel obligated to kiss
  • notebooks filled with impulsive thoughts
  • young love that completely saturates the brain
  • a bible made of poetry
  • bare bodies pressed together like Pangea
  • appreciating caterpillars just as much as butterflies
  • “But when I met you, right away I knew, you would never, ever, ever hurt me.”
  • bare bodies wrapped in love
  • the transition of spring to summer: a dance between two of the happiest seasons
  • Louis Armstrong’s voice (home sweet home)
  • the love between Idgie Threadgoode and Ruth Jamison
  • instrumental songs to dream to
  • love letters that will one day act as time machines
  • birds that whisper wisdom in the morning
  • tracing the freckles of another
  • the fact that trees still nurture us despite all they’ve seen
  • “Poetry, beauty, romance, love. These are what we stay alive for.”
  • realizing that yes, you should disturb the universe
dec 1 2010 ∞
jul 11 2012 +