- by the time the bar closes crack. twoshot. pg-13.
- summary: luhan works at the united nations, zitao steals office supplies, wu fan owns a feng shui gong, and sehun is.... sehun.
- dangling modifiers college!au. 2.9k. nc-17.
- summary: jongin drags sehun to an overpriced art class, where he obviously finds a cute boy slash graphic design demi-god. oh and probably lots of necessary cusses and unnecessary adjectives.
- got a figure like a pinup (got a figure like a doll) mall!au. 10k. pg-13. side story to i, i love you (like a love song baby).
- summary: sehun is a hot topic model and luhan owns too many pairs of stressed vintage jeans.
- juxtaposition & symmetry twoshot. g.
- summary: in which, sehun has an affinity for english and a loathing for math, while luhan is a math nerd that hates english.)
- lost in transition 3.7k. pg-13.
- summary: alternate reality where luhan doesn't get scouted that day in myeongdong, and s.m. follows their previous production pattern to debut exo as a 6-member boy group in 2010.
- persons interested in mandarin porn (p.i.m.p) pornstar!au. nc-17.
- summary: sehun is accidentally pulled into the world of qipao porn.
- project hunhan supermarket!au. romance. humor. oneshot. pg-13. ☆
- summary: luhan flirts, sehun thinks he's flirting but he's really just laughing too loudly at luhan's jokes, and jongin conducts a science experiment. then there's kyungsoo who judges them all.
- there will come soft rains angst. oneshot. pg-13.
- you're giving me a heart attack pwp. 2k. r.
- summary: in which Kyungsoo is awake at the wrong place and at the wrong time.
aug 19 2015 ∞
aug 24 2015 +