- anterograde tomorrow romance. tragedy. angst. threeshot. r. broken!lukai.
- summary: kyungsoo is stuck in the hours while jongin begs the seconds, because time stops for someone who can't remember and runs from someone who can't miss the last train home.
- arbitrage 22k. street race!au. nc-17. ☆
- summary: there are three tracks to do kyungsoo's life. track a, trader at an investment bank. track b, new recruit of a race crew called exo. track c... track c involves someone named kai and a whole lot of bad decisions.
- challenge accepted oneshot. nc-17.
- summary: jongin has a porn collection and his computer crashes. kyungsoo is his go-to tech repair. challenges are thrown and met. jongin blames it all on chanyeol.
- erect fire highschool!au. teacher/student!au. smut. comedy. chaptered. nc-17.
- summary: because jongin has never fucked his student.
- how to tame your player university!au. romance. fluff. humor. chaptered. ☆
- _summary: jongin's basically a player and kyungsoo's invisible to everyone. his friends bet him to win jongin over and "tame" him.
- if it makes you feel alive 7k. nc-17.
- summary: jongin’s favourite customer isn’t actually a customer, but he does have a really nice mouth.
- i, i love you (like a love song baby) 12.1k. mall!au. pg-13. ☆
- summary: jongin is a skater and kyungsoo is lotion connoisseur.
- like a disney movie fluff. romance. oneshot. pg-13.
- summary: kyungsoo falls sick and loses his voice one day at work so baekhyun and luhan play a practical joke on him that ends with more benefits than consequences.
- so we meet again (and other clichéd phrases) 11.5k. r.
- summary: this is not a romance, by definition. this is kim jongin, both too famous and too dense to write his own memoir. this is kim jongin, stumbling awkwardly back into love.
- summer, 21 36.1k. pg-13. ☆
- summary: a love story in 21 days.
- the area of our hearts romance. humor. crack. 3450k. pg-13.
- summary: truth is, jongin understands math completely. it's just that the teacher's son is always there in the morning, too.
- turn back, o man twoshot. nc-17 (?).
- summary: jongin falls for one of the church's choir boys.
aug 19 2015 ∞
aug 24 2015 +