do NOT follow if:

  • youre a terf/transmed/any variation of that
  • you support notch, pewdiepie, etc, you know the drill
  • you fit the normal ‘dont follow’ criteria (homophobic, transphobic, neo nazi, you know)
  • you ship corrin/royals or azurrin
  • you endorse/support fate series’ pedophilia bait (chloe, prillya in general, jack, etc)
  • you think fiction doesn’t affect reality/you're an 'anti-anti' or whatever
  • you ship the hermitcraft members/internet personalities/yters (if this is the hill you die on... what's your damage)
  • you support xisuma/you actively defend him

ask to follow if youre friends with @battlekiwi, or if your name is kame/marykate

aug 25 2019 ∞
sep 14 2019 +