michelledieann's listography
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Receiving letters in the mail
Play grounds
Holding hands
Wrapping up in blankets when its cold out
Buying popsicles from the ice cream man
Laying under the stars
Strawberry lemonade with crushed ice
Singing loud when no one is around
Dancing in the pouring rain
School supplies
Stepping on crunchy leaves
Laughing so hard you cry
People watching
Roller coasters
Venice beach/Santa Monica
Dressing up on Halloween
Watching the sunset
Hearing songs associated to good memories
Painting the walls of empty rooms
Being able to put my feet up on the chair in front of me in the movie theater
Finding weird clothes at the goodwill
Acting weird in front of people you will never see again
The first sip of ice cold water when you are really thirsty
Making list’s
Being in love
Finishing a new art work
Waking up super early in the morning to go to the airport
Inside jokes
Days that you wish would never end
Colorful sharpies
When clouds look like things
Winning an argument
Interesting fortune-cookie fortunes
Long walks to anywhere
Flipping your pillow over and the other side is cold
Staying at hotels
Breakfast for dinner (BFD)
Smell of a campfire
Candlelit bubble baths
Getting my hair cut
Smell of cleaning products
Rubbing my feet together right before I fall asleep
Sound of rain on the window
Walking in the middle of the road
Sitting/laying down in random places
Kisses on the cheek
The answers on your scantron make a pattern
Little kids that say cute/weird things
Fat Hawaiian men playing tiny ukuleles
M&M’s that say cute things
Weird independent films
Reading horoscopes and relating them to your life
Waking up before the alarm goes off because you’re excited for something
Cheap, delicious Mexican food
Dancing like no one is watching
Having random pockets on clothing
Giving thoughtful presents to people
Holding your breath when driving through a tunnel
Finding money you had lost in your pocket
Magic/Freak shows
Climbing trees
Jumping into a swimming pool with clothes on
Red roses
Eating so many skittles your jaw starts to hurt
Feeling the wind on your face when ridding a bike fast down a hill
Onion volcano at kisho’s
Smiles from strangers (that aren’t creepers)
Leaning side to side when driving a car on racing games
Energy drinks
Over/under exaggerating the number of syllables in a word when I say it
Performing (dancing/acting)
Random objects with the number 5 on them
Amanda Rompal
Drinking soda out of the old fashion bottles
Dressing up in formal attire and going out
Stretching after staying in one position for a long time
Songs that make you think of that one special person
Random smells that bring back specific good memories
Being able to remember the mystery of 11:46:07
Random walks with my iPod late at night
Laying on the ground and staring at the sky
Hot soup when feeling under the weather
Jumping in bounce houses even though society has determined you too old
Being pulled on a tube by a speed boat so fast you nearly loose your pants
Ordering nothing but breakfast food from Denny’s ALWAYS
Stuffed giraffes (especially ones with long eye lashes)
The noise my computer makes when I empty the trash can
Laying on a trampoline and seeing the grass through the bottom
Shadows that fans make on the ceiling
The way ice looks in brown, textured cups at restaurants
Going on top of parking structures and being able to see the tops of trees
Watching the reflection of the road on shiny car bumpers
Watching movies in the car
The way your feet feel when you take off high heels after wearing them all day
When you catch her smiling at you and she thinks you didn't notice
Peeling dried glue off your hands
Making book marks with glue by using the lid of a pencil box
The bed from if you give a mouse a cookie and trying to recreate it
Being at Denny's at weird hours of the night/morning
When the song ends right as you're parking the car
Girls who look like boys
Drinking out of giant cartons of water
Sound of a perfect high five
When you try to think of the name of something and you blurt it out five hours later when you finally remember
When you can pull out of a parking spot by just driving forward through the spot across from you
Beanies in the summer time
White tattoos
Hearing you were in someones dream
Drag queens
Deep conversations when you're tipsy
Peeing after holding it in forever
Ferris wheels
Blasting music with the windows down while driving
Watching water droplets roll down the window like they are competing in a race
When a text makes you smile so much other people start to notice
Pretending inanimate objects are alive
Naming random objects
nov 21 2010 ∞
feb 15 2011 +