• 20% weightage, 30 marks
  • some notes :
    • don't show that you're nervous !! smile and switch between looking at each tester. look at their noses if you can't make eye contact
    • give off the impression that you're confident B) try not to suddenly trail off your sentences (" i also think that,u um, . . . um . . .")
    • don't be afraid to ask for clarification if you don't understand the question, especially since we're going to be 1.5m away from the seperated by a plastic shield. (speaking of which please project your voice!)
  • for more, here's how to ace your oral!


  • aim to get MINIMUM 8 marks, even better full !!
  • intonation is important, don't sound monotonous while reading
  • read the context given above the passage and use PACC :
    • Purpose — why are you reading this passage?
    • Audience — who are you reading this to? what role are you playing? (eg teacher, student president)
    • Context — when?? where?? what tone should you use ??
    • Culture (rarely) — i have No Idea how to explain this but it's tied in with Context,,, you'll know it when you see it
    • volume
    • dragging the word
    • pausing before
  • pausing !! during the prep time, read through and decide where and when to pause. don't try to say it all in one breath. take note of commas, dashes and full stop
  • ENUNCIATE. th, t, k and st should be practised !!


  • use PEEL format :
    • Point
    • Elaborate/Explain
    • Example
    • Link
  • question formats :
    • 1 : related to the video !! eg describe what they might be feeling, do you think they're this and that. DO NOT BRING PERSONAL THOUGHTS OR EXPERIENCES !!! only use the video to support your responses
    • 2 : NOW its personal. usually asked to talk about an experience or feelings, or suggestions for something
    • 3 : open ended ish, asked to give our comments or opinions on topics relevant to current issues so use contextual knowledge and personal experiences !!
      • DO NOT SAY "dis/agree to a certain extent" they won't know what extent !! just say agree or disagree and then explain why. afterwards, you can add in "however . . ." to talk about the other side of the topic
jul 16 2020 ∞
jul 16 2020 +