exploration :: 60%

  • ...what do adventurers do again?
  • a cliff-side hero's past
  • a little game
  • a lone ship in guyun
  • a new star approaches
  • a provisional arrangement
  • a quiet day in liyue harbor
  • an adeptal summons
  • an ode to yonder city
  • and this treasure goes to...
  • back in the woods
  • big business
  • blackcliff woes
  • changchang's little friend
  • endless research
  • farewell, archaic lord
  • fishing for jade
  • hereafter: all is well
  • hereafter: return to the mountains
  • hereafter: the trail of pervases
  • luhua landscape
  • necessary procedures
  • nine pillars of peace
  • of the land amidst monoliths
  • old tastes die hard
  • on the stage, behind the stage
  • overstretched
  • perfect shot
  • pressing deadlines
  • return of the jade chamber?
  • says he who seeks stone
  • share not your treasures
  • snapshots
  • stolen, by the rightful owner
  • surreptitious seven-star seal sundering
  • the chi of yore
  • the millennial mountains
  • the missing miner
  • the ocean pearl
  • the secret of nantianmen
  • the tree who stands alone
  • the yaksha's wish
  • there's no restoring this past land of beauty
  • tianqiu treasure trail
  • trails in tianqiu
  • treasure lost, treasure found
  • undetected infiltration
  • wherefore did the spiritstone desend?
  • will of stone
  • words worth their weight in mora
jan 24 2023 ∞
apr 30 2023 +