- school > everything else: no more goofing off, yolo-ing, etc. focusing on getting good grades this semester. my grades (so far) for first semester is disappointing….
- keep the anger to a minimum: it’s gonna be hard. everything pisses me off these days. but im gonna try to keep the anger from showing.
- exercise more: the number of times this has shown up in my new year’s resolution is just…. smh. i never do it. but now that i have scheduled a day and time every week to work out with michelle n, it’s gonna happen!
- eat healthier: stay away from sweets and greasy foods. it’s not like dining halls never serve healthy options. then again, there’s always salad.
- make more friends / get closer to my new friends: i love meeting people and getting to know them. i hope i get to know my TASC family some more and i hope that my AAA family gets closer… no one is really active. i mean, my sons allen and james go to stuff and my little mary shows up from time to time, but it’s rare to see majority of them together… im going to participate in PSA events as well. and make more friends in studio. i was dumb not to open up to my studio mates last semester. i judged them too fast. but i met a lot of new people during the end of the semester. i hope i get to sit with them next semester.
- call home more often: mom gets mad when i don’t call. i should probably call her once in a while.
dec 30 2012 ∞
dec 30 2012 +