• ep. 1
    • As the title is, the respective starkly contrasting personalities of the leads is what really makes this love story promising. The fem lead is a doctor dedicated to saving lives, guided by her strong morale principles and compassion. She takes no shit. And there's the male lead who is a cold-blooded hitman with a tragic past.
    • If not for the backstory of Ferhat paralleled with the current timeline, it is very likely to dislike Ferhat as much as Asli do right now. It's tough to read him, his morality seems to be dulled, and he is just outright cold. But he appears to be a bit less cruel when he brought Asli her flowers to take care of. And of course thanks to his favourite pet dog. I love how there are these little hints to show that he still has a shred of humanity left in him.
    • I liked the backstory albeit it being quite typical. I just didn't expect Namik to be Ferhat's biological dad, and Ferhat's adoptive dad died because of that. What a good twist.
    • And back to the title, I think it's interesting how this concept does not only exist as an understanding that black and white are a distinct dichotomy. It is also about duality - like what Namik had said to Asli after his appearance at the farm was seen by Asli. "I'm the Namik you've always known but I'm also the Namik you see now before you." and also when Asli tells Ferhat "you have a little light in your darkness" - albeit those are words she said to attempt persuading Ferhat out of killing her, but I'm sure there's some veracity in words as she have observed Ferhat to have something he treasures too when he was with his dog.
    • Thus so my mind toyed with the idea whether Asli would be developed in a direction where she could have potentially developed some greyness in her currently pure white character. Is it that her involvement with Ferhat is what would "taint" her pure white world? It seems like something she can never be divorced from now. Most of the time I don't personally like Asli much because of how strongheaded she is, yet she's still pretty reasonable - and it simply made sense that how desperately she was crying after she realised she might be silenced by Ferhat.
    • Yeah sooo!!! The narration by Asli made their potential romance sound super epic and something I would friggin die for!! I'm hyped!! And it better be heartwrenching good! Because their tension so far is really delicious too. uwu
    • The forced circumstantial marriage trope here was actually done pretty reasonably.
  • ep. 2
    • Relevation of the episode: How bloody toxic this entire family is.
    • Ferhat is definitely still working for Namik because he believes that he's doing it for his family, and also to protect Yigit. Rather than doing it for Namik or because he thinks it's right. His sense of morality is pretty much dulled by now.
    • I think that's the most emotional part of the episode was the flashback to Ferhat and Yigit's childhood. This drama teaches you how to do flashbacks correctly. (*sideeyes NiF*) And I'm glad the siblings still remember their father fondly despite their toxic mother.
    • Asli really takes no shit from anybody. Yet, Ferhat is still too manipulative and cruel for her to win him. He literally made a very real example of the consequences to her. But it's hard to hate him if we know his past, that he has inevitably gone down the path he did for his family. His little smirk when Asli left his chatty mother speechless !! I think these are the little things he starts taking a liking for her for.
    • I was still ready to sympathise for Gulsum until I realised who's her lover. Fuck, she's stupid and not as innocent as thought.
  • ep. 3
    • The black and white dichotomy being challenged, yesss!!! This is what I'm here for!!
    • Everyone in the drama including Ferhat is so toxic. It's quite painful to watch a woman being thrown around and doing things against her own will.
    • Having watched Koo Gum lately as well, it disturbs me how women who are married against their will, are being told to just give in and surrender because they're married.
    • It's annoying to watch Gulsum. But thankfully she's showing a softer stance to Asli. Asli is being supportive and helpful - nice.
  • ep. 4
    • The tears welling in Ferhat's eyes after Asli stabbed him and he was saying how all "things usually start this way" - probably because he thought of his own past. Ahhhh.
jan 16 2018 ∞
apr 12 2020 +