• i realised i'm not using listo as frequently as i wished i could is because it isn't on mobile i'm so sad because it's potentially super useful :(((
  • i can't really concentrate for long on laptop because i can easily switch between windows and i just get distracted all too quick, on top of my short attention span already... as compared to phone which is less likely for me to switch around windows
  • we keep creating more apps or more devices but how many of them are actually used when they increase to our daily baggage - how many can we keep and bring every day?
    • isn't it more important to condense the functions we need into a single mobile device
    • but ofc there's the problem of putting all your eggs into one basket
  • mrt interaction: promoting interactions out of your own traditional educational/work circles - like the quality of making friends on web
    • what would motivate ppl to want to get to know more people - the human behavioural or psychology why people want to talk to strangers etc? what was the result of the encounter?
    • how would technology work to execute that? takes advantage of the innate human impetus to reach out to more people?
    • motivation and education (what wld be the motivation to choose this platform over existing platforms)
  • good design is intuitive + ease self-learning process
mar 12 2017 ∞
apr 12 2020 +