i know i don't know you that long

and that you pulled away to move on

but what's there to move on from?

i know what you wanted

i know that it was me

and that you were torn between

a soon-to-be lover and a possible fling

and it complicated everything

'cause you have her and i have him

the light was never green

perhaps that made you want it more

but now my tears wet the floor

'cause i still want you as a friend

and i hate how things had to end

so i keep wishing you'll come back

and i keep thinking of your laugh

always there

like you never had a care

and whoever saw you like that

would never have guessed

you worry about everything

and whoever saw me

would never believe

how i can care so quickly

yet still so deeply

and once again i sit here

crying over friends who leave.

may 11 2023 ∞
jul 14 2023 +