• I am a clumsy, slow, breaks everything, bangs into a screen door, get bruises out of no where, says the wrong thing at the wrong time, spills drinks on my new top, full of bad luck, etc etc, that kinda girl.
  • I always end up saying the stupidest things that make me look like a dumb ass and I'm so loud that everyone stares, especially on the bus + train.
  • I am a evil genius, no lie.
  • I'll ask the most pointless questions and I'll answer rhetorical questions.
  • I would make comments like, "WOW the monkey king looks like a monkey!" or something even dumber, I never really realize what I say until afterwards lol.
  • I laugh too much and too loud and I talk too much too.
  • And then there's the subjects such as chemistry and math where I don't get most of the things that we learn, so I'd always have to ask people who probably thinks I'm stupid.
  • I'm too optimistic (My friend once told me that it's a bad thing at times so I'll just add it onto here) I guess it's cause I'm too happy most of the time.
  • I'm indecisive, I never know what I want. For example, if I go into a bakery, it takes me a while to decide what I'm getting because I change my mind a lot.
  • I tend to push people away.
  • I have a hard time saying "Sorry" or "I love you" to people I care about. And to those who don't, I have no problem saying it.
  • I have high hopes for people, I always believe that they'll come through and sometimes they don't, which then totally crushes me.
  • I am an pet killer, like seriously. Pets always die on me, hamsters, fish, birds, turtles, omg, they all just die on me and I don't even do anything bad to it.
  • I'm horrible at lying and I'm too easy to read. I can never get away with anything, haha.
  • I think I think too much. I over analzye everything that's been said and done and I try to make it mean something. I need to s t o p!
  • I'm insecure and self-conscious.
  • I'm way too guillible and believe almost everything. I use to believe Pokemon was real ..
  • I have called my teacher a 'baby' on accident (the 'hey baby!' kinda thing, it's a long story), ran into a pole, walked backwards and when I turned around, I bumped into a garbage can, fell of the bed, fell on the floor during a bus ride, spilled water/juice all over my pants so it looked like I took a big piss, texted/IM the wrong convo's all the time, + more.
jun 16 2009 ∞
jun 16 2009 +