• write an amazing book so it can become a best-seller like Stephenie Meyers (hopefully I'll get lucky) then earn a lot of money and travel the world and write more novels for young adults.
  • become a CIA/FBI agent (thank you Cody Banks!)
  • major in psychology to become a psychiatrist/psychologist and deal with people's problems. I'll be one of those cool ones, the one that curses and tells you stuff straight up.
  • build my own restaurant and work there.
  • work in an office with suits and stuff, with the black heels and white dress shirts.
  • become an magazine writer or newspaper columnist (like Hitch) and at night, hang out at the bar with my best friends.
  • don't forget about my dream guy! I want a fairytale or a story and I'm making sure I'll get it.
jun 22 2009 ∞
jun 22 2009 +