• 몸을잘챙겨주고 건강하세요! 아프지마세요! -Take care of your body and stay healthy! Don’t be ill/hurt!
  • 컴백이 잘되기바랍니다.- I hope your comeback goes well.
    • 컴백이 대박나기바랍니다.
  • 너무 잘했어요.- You did very/so well.
  • 잘했어요.- Good job.
  • 수고많이했어요.- Good work/ You went through a lot. (Usually said after doing something that requires hard work. For example, after holding a concert, filming, or working.)
  • 이렇게 귀여우면 어떡하려고요? - What am I supposed to do if you’re this/so cute?
  • 지민이 덕분에 제가 너무 행복해요.- Because of Jimin I am very happy./ Thanks to Jimin I am very happy.
  • 잘생겼으니까 외모대해서 스트레스 받지마세요.- You are handsome, so do not stress about your appearance.
  • 아름다운 사람이니까 스트레스 받지말고 행복하세요.- You are a beautiful person, so do not get stressed and be happy.
  • 노력하는 모습도 좋지만 건강이 걱정되네요, 건강도 잘챙기고 많이쉬세요.- Seeing you work hard is good but I’m worried for your health, so take care good care of your health and rest a lot.
  • 힘들때 감정을 너무 숨기지마세요, 정신적으로 좋지않아요. (1)우리가/(2)팬들 있잖아요.- When you are having a hard time do not hide your emotions too much, it’s not good for you mentally. You have (1)us/(2)the fans!
  • 팬이라서 뿌듯하네요.- I feel proud to be a fan./ It feels good to be a fan.
  • 영원히 같이있어줄게요.- I’ll stay with you forever
  • 당신의 미소가 아름다워요. - Your smile is beautiful.
  • 좋을날이돼길바래요! 당신은 저한테 세상이에요. - I hope you have a great day! You mean the world to me.
  • 다들 너무열심히일하네요. 모두 실력을알고있으면 좋겠네요. - You all work so hard I hope you all realize your talent.
  • 당신은 웃을때 잘생겼어요. - You look handsome when you smile.
  • 당신은 잘생겼어요. - You look handsome.
  • 저는 당신이 자랑스러워요. - I am very proud of you.
  • 앞으로 당신의 영원한팬이에요. - I will always be your fan.
aug 5 2017 ∞
aug 5 2017 +