some tips about learning korean

  • "reading children short stories and listening to ones with audios is so helpful!"
  • "tell yourself everyday 'Korean is easy!' and believe it. even if you're having troubles with learning, try to convince yourself you can do it"
  • "create a calendar."
  • "challenge yourself to learn on specific days and reward yourself at the end of the week/month. so motivating!"
  • be patient, don't give up (but if you're not feeling comfortable or disliking study korean please stop, it's ok :).
  • "talk to yourself in korean, it helps a lot! try to imagine having a convo with a Korean person (your idol etc) and talk out loud. it improves ur accent & speaking skills!"
  • listen to k-music, watch dramas/movies, your idol interviews etc.
  • "revise daily for better results on what you learned by talking to yourself, writing things down or even singing song lyrics you just learned."
may 26 2018 ∞
jul 15 2018 +