how to become tumblr famous | pg | 1595 words

  • Yixing finally makes a tumblr account and Jongin, Luhan, Tao, and Minseok give him tips on how to be famous.

like a tattoo on the heart | nc-17 | 9295 words

  • The gentle brush of Yixing’s fingertips flow like that of a paintbrush along his skin, and imprint deep into Wu Fan's heart.

filling in the spaces | pg-13 | 1790 words

  • Wu Fan starts to notice the way Yixing fills up the spaces in his apartment just like the way he filled up his heart.

the wonderfully miserable life of the young, horny and stupid | nc-17 | ~32500 words

  • wu fan is dumb, yixing is innocent, jongin likes asses, sehun is a queen bitch and jongdae is the only remotely sane one in the group.

60 seconds | r | 11054 words

  • In a tale of lingering afterlives and star-crossed fates, 60 seconds were all they ever needed to meet and fall in love, all over again.

getting layd | pg-13 | 1700 words

  • Kris is a big fan of logic and math and science and facts; big fat facts with big fat reasons coupled with bigger and fatter logic. Falling in love (and lust) with Yixing isn't logical.

paperman | pg | ~5500 words

  • On the morning of February 13th, a stray gust of wind takes Kris’s tax return forms and maybe a little bit of his heart too.

(always) like the first time | r | ~17000 words

  • Kris is sent on business to a remote town in Hunan. He meets Yixing, and maybe even likes Yixing. Yixing, though, doesn’t quite reciprocate Kris’s feelings that easily.

chauffeur | nc-17 | 5200 words

  • Wufan got hired to drive around a political figure’s rich kid. He never thought he’d have to buckle himself in for one hell of a ride.
jan 16 2013 ∞
aug 31 2013 +