and miles to go (before i sleep) | r | 14000+ words

  • Jongin stands on the edge of the building, about to give into his dark desires, when he is saved by the reappearance of his childhood "imaginary" friend, Lu Han.

there's still time to lose | pg-13 | 15159 words

  • It might be the year 2425, and Kai wakes up on a lab table, smelly faintly of formaldehyde, gasoline, and tree.

castles of sand | nc-17 | 2 parts

  • jongin builds love up in other people like a child making castles of sand, and each time, he stays too close to the shore, jumping away when the tide comes, and watching as each turret and wall crumbles under the force of the waves.

chink in the armor | nc-17 | 6700 words

  • With a new King comes a new enemy.

quick on the shoot | nc-17 | 5 parts

  • Jongin is flush with more than success, Chanyeol and Jongdae are evil, Lu Han is possibly trying to help, and Kevin mostly wants to cover his eyes and pretend he hasn't seen anything.

9.8 m/s² | pg-13 | 8022 words

  • Sehun is trapped in a makeshift wonderland. Luhan keeps on chucking scientific equations out of the window. And Jongin, good old Jongin, oozes sex appeal and tension as comfortably as a teacher might sprout out historical facts to a detached crowd.

swallow my sugar kiss | nc-17 | 3258 words

  • Kai much preferred fucking someone who knew how to scream his name. He supposed that was why he liked fucking Luhan so much.

camera-ready (starstruck) | pg | 4800 words

  • In which Jongin is Luhan's biggest fan but Luhan remains unaware of his existence.

91 lanterns | pg | ~8000 words

  • Lu Han is national idol Kris Wu’s biggest fan, and Jongin is just in it for the ride.

static warmth | g | 1500 words

  • Jongin is afraid of thunderstorms.

come here rude boy (can you get it up) | nc-17 | 10571 words

  • lu han's not sure if this is really his true calling in life, but jongin makes the journey a little (harder) easier.

(your) shiny teeth and me | pg | 3938 words

  • lu han's trade is teeth. that's it. that's the whole story.
jan 16 2013 ∞
jul 9 2014 +