luhan | migratory patterns | g | ~5000 words

  • What Lu Han has his eyes on is a dream; a dream that leads him back to the beginning of beginnings.

lay (luhan/lay) | breathe me | pg | 902 words

  • sleep was uninvited. there was no room for it on his bed, which was already too crowded with sheets and thoughts and memories that he couldn't simply get rid of.

chanyeol | the pantsing chronicles of park chanyeol | pg | 1162 words

  • pantsing: to yank someone else's pants down, usually done in a humorous (or scientific) fashion

kai (kai/sehun) | love's not a competition (but i'm winning) | nc-17 | 2985 words

  • Jongin’s messed around with most of his band members in one way or another but seeing Sehun do it is what throws him off his game.

d.o. (various pairings) | psychoanalyze me, please oh my friend | g | 2800 words

  • Kyungsoo is a bartender but his costumers seem to think he’s a psychologist.

lay | change me | pg | ~4000 words

  • they give him a chance to be famous. he takes it.

chanyeol | (kairosclerosis) | [] | pg-13 } ~1800 words

  • people look at chanyeol like he's something special, but he doesn't see it - maybe that's why he doesn't know how to recognize something special when he's got it. (“you don’t get it,” yifan says, as chanyeol starts unbuttoning his shirt. “it’s because there’s nothing that people look at you - because everybody can just fill in what they want.”)

sehun | the angels never arrived | pg | ~2400 words

  • "And so I'll conclude with a line from a very popular song that you all probably know: tonight, you are young, so set the world on fire, you can burn brighter than the sun."

d.o. (d.o./kai) | the implications of telepathy | r | 5057 words

  • As Kyungsoo develops the power to read others, he loses himself slowly in thought.

kai (d.o./kai) | thoughts: pernicious | nc-17 | ~10200 words

  • Jongin only figures it out later, weeks later, when they’re back in their dorms in Seoul and he’s curled up in the corner of their dorm room in a pile of pillows, listening to music on his iPod.

xiumin (xiumin/kris, xiumin/chen, xiumin/sehun, xiumin/suho) | second circle | nc-17 | 26471 words

  • Minseok is given a second chance at redemption. In the second circle. Of Hell, that is.
jan 16 2013 ∞
dec 17 2014 +