i'm cece/cecilia, 23 (03/25/95), gryffindor, esfp

  • to get it out of the way, i'm gay and not quite sure of my gender. when i say 'i'm gay' i also don't really know what i mean, but i typically like girls? but gender is meaningless to me. i don't feel like anyone.


  • i'm also mentally ill. i won't talk about it a lot, but i've been prof. dx and sometimes i need to vent. i don't have many (or really any) friends irl, so i use these platforms. i'm not seeking attention, you can ignore me, or you can talk to me. i won't judge you either way. i have severe anxiety so it is hard for me to approach others, also i'm a little weird about group chats, but i love making friends... i really would love to have lots of friends.


  • i'm a substitute teacher! i love to teach and i'm going to be getting my degree to actually be a teacher soon! i want to teach high schoolers in english or spanish (so i'll be getting licensed in both!) i currently work everyday, so feel free to ask me how my day is going! starting in march, i'll be working infrequently again.


  • i really love writing! but it kicks my butt. i'm trying really hard to churn out work and care for myself, but sometimes i slip up and won't do well. i'm sorry to disappoint you. don't consider any of my works unfinished permanently unless i say something about it. if you'd like to support me, then all i do is ask for a kudos and/or comment! and i'd always love to write for you! send some prompts my way!


  • otherwise, this is a kpop account. i do rt some fire emblem and dangan ronpa (and maybe some other fandoms i'm in), but this account is overwhelmingly personal/kpop otherwise. you can just ignore the fandom stuff that i rt (unless you like that sort of stuff). i know it is cluttered, but i can't have more than one twitter without wanting to delete all of them.
oct 14 2017 ∞
apr 10 2018 +