• in the dust of this planet (oct 21)
    • eugene thacker: in the dust of this planet: horror of philosophy vol. 1
    • post-WWI Dadaism (abolition of memory, archaeology, prophets, the future), desert mysticism (the body as something to amputate our soul from to be one with God)
    • nihilism as inherent in pop culture and increasingly popular (Lily Collins shirt, Jay-Z biker jacket)
    • nihilism; not so much the negation/repudiation of life but a bravery in accepting/embracing death
  • death mask (oct 21)
    • "l'inconnue de la seine" (the unknown woman of the seine) became the face of the CPR dummy / aka resusci anne
    • deceased person of great interest; written about by Rilke, Nin, and Nabokov
    • the face of the drowned woman becomes the face people blow into to learn how to save drowned people
    • over and over again, thousands and thousands of people are trying to bring this woman back to life
    • questionable validity; too peaceful a face, too un-decomposed of a body
  • haunted (oct 21)
  • juicervose (oct 21)
oct 21 2016 ∞
jun 9 2018 +