
    • pulsar: tangled earphones, listens to others but never opens up about themselves, dark skies, writes reminders on their hands, gives warm hugs, always takes the window seat, plays animal crossing, eats ice cream in winter.
    • polar: searches for chill playlists on youtube, always forgets to take off their shoes before walking inside, uses all kinds of emojis, likes carrying out random acts of kindness, wonders if others miss them too, can count on them to always carry tissues, will imagine entire story plots before falling sleep, keeper of secrets.


    • eros: handwritten notes. laying in bed all day. going on picnics. long walks on a sunny day. messy hair and ruffled clothing. falls asleep on the couch. eats breakfast in bed. warm smiles.

   times of day

    • eve: watching the stars through a vintage telescope, lying in bed with headphones on, homemade cookies and milk, streetlights illuminating their face.
    • dawn: herbal tea, clouds turning pink as the sun enters the sky, thick blankets, falling cherry blossom petals, washing their face with cold water, natural hair

   art mediums

    • pencil: focuses on detail. knowing smiles. always on the edge of a breakdown. always busy. constantly busy with something new. sticks to old habits. the go-to-friend.

   colours of the rainbow

    • indigo: stargazing. collecting old objects. old soul. loves history. ink smears on their face. keeping full notebooks. libraries on a rainy day.
jun 22 2021 ∞
jul 15 2023 +