• If i'm living in south-eastern europe in the 1400s and my neighbours all speak a language that i dont understand, am i going to base my sense of identity on the same thing as they do [because of some blood analyzing technology that won't be invented for another 600 years] or am i going to develop an individual sense of identity within my community where we all speak the same langguage? how shocking that albanians, romanians, hungarians and estonians developed their own indivual identities. not exactly rocket science, is it?
  • although i wholeheartedly support romanians calling themselves latin and non-slavic eastern europeans in general who have the gall to point out that they're not slavic.
  • why on earth should we be expected to know anything about THOSE countries because we come from countries that matter and they don't, therefore we couldn't possibly be expected to know a damn thing about them and their pathetic, worthless existence.
  • your indignation and shock that those _ easterners have the nerve, the sheer AUDACITY to identify as something other that the simple, easy, seperate boxes that we compartmentalize people from those Other regions of the world so that we don't have to over-exert ourselves by thinking about them too much. who do they think they are, who gave them the right?? only western europeans and their descendants could possibly have their own disctinct identities, languages and individual historical experiences under totally different empires. do you think that when you talk about your distant heritage comprised of 6 distant western european ethnicities that people don't want to tell you "my god bitch, just shut up and say you're western european, i don't have all day"?
  • ultimately
  • nobody needs to present their case in the court of Western Opinion, what you think is entirely irrelevant here.
  • rest assured that despite all your protestations people will go on identifying as exactly what they did long before you "discovered" them and their "obsure" countries "shrouded in mystery", "full of contradictions" and "trapped between east and west". your originality knows no bounds.
  • looking forward to scorcese making 15 movies about immigrants in italy who are called greasy criminals, leeches and filthy animals so our peoples' immigrant experiences can be enshrined in the public conscious the same way that the experiences of western european immigrants from 70 years ago have been. Or maybe a movie about how ukrainian canadians were put in internments camps, never had their belongings returned and ukrainian women were forcably sterilized which is something the canadian government only admitted to in the 90s. Last time i checked it was the majority of Europeans who were not considered real europeans until the second half of the 20th century, not just italian and irish people. The people who were deemed to be Real europeans were actually the minority in Europe, so youre not all that special. I think everyones a little tired of your pity party.
  • you are not the only ones with grievances but we only ever seem to be discussing the problems that you Used To have as opposed to the problems people currently have.
may 7 2021 ∞
may 7 2021 +