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After a night of being EMO, i decided to put my EMO-ness into good use. So I wrote a list of all the things I like, I like to do and would love to do. Hooot! :)


This year will be my last year in college and dang I'm so excited!!! I know I'm not the one who considers education enjoyable but with this last year, I hope I will. Here's a list on how I can enjoy my last year in college.

  • Though I have 7am class, full load and got some kiosk thing to do, I want to enjoy every moment of it.
  • This semester, we have out feasibility study and I guess there will be a lot of effort to be done. I hope to have responsible group mates.
  • Will learn how to speak Spanish and Nippongo.
  • Will make the most of my kiosk semester. Must design our kiosk in a attractive way and must be the number 1 kiosk in school. HAHA
  • Must enjoy Marketing.
  • For my Salesmanship class, must sell all the churvaness in the world! Hope this will be easy.
  • Tax and Buslaw..hmmm! Calling for me to become a lawyer. JOKE! You must be easyyy..ok?
  • Attend the Acquaintance party, Org parties and all the parties of them all!
  • Take lotsa pictures jd!! Never fails!
  • Participate on all major activities!
  • With many papers to be done, I bet there will be lotsa overnights and meet ups, so much enjoy!
  • In regards to the Founders Day, must join the parades and the required activities. Enjoy enjoy!
  • With Intrams, cheer for CBA!!!!! Either join food committee or join volleyball, even if sub lang! hahahaha
  • Make lotsa memories with friends. Meet new friends. Enjoy the company of people.
jun 7 2010 ∞
jun 7 2010 +