from today on, today is 30/05/2011

  • 30/05/2011: a plane falling down and a big explosion, i didn't see it but it was obvious that all the people on the plane died, and i found all this situation really sad because at first the plane seemed not going to fall and this means that people on it were deluded. part II: my mum noticed i was losing my hair.
  • 31/05/2001: me and senada meeting a little boy who take us to a playground at night, he says: my dad planned this playground (!)/ in my dad's new house, not existing in the reality/ travel near a river/ i was writing on a wooden tablet like google documents (!)
  • 1/06: birthday, a lot of presents, but i had to find them, letters, emails, films, photos, it was like i was going to leave and all the people i love were leaving me something from them/ train to an unknown place but the wrong one so i jumped down while it was moving.
  • 2/06: i have to take a plane to paris, but my brother hasn't the ticket, i forgot to buy it, i ask a man if i can use the ticket the day after, he says yes (this man at first was a kind of monster, then he becomes "normal"). before or later: ilaria falls in love with a muslim boy, we're in pisa. i sleep in a bed like mine with someone and it's beautiful.
  • 3/06: a plage (?)/ the guys of the concert (?)/ fighting with a cat/ i was the girlfriend of an ugly gangster and i came into his flat there were some ugly people i ran away.
  • 4/06: my dad had 2 new twins daughters, scary and horrific. they wanted to kill me.
  • 5: forgot everything.
  • 6: mariaelena, i was driving a car in a dangerous place, i met k. but he didn't want to talk to me.
  • 9: strange fantastic creatures similar to crocodiles were slithering under the balcony of my grandma's house, in a green see made of mire -> it recalled me of the rhyme of the ancient mariner. then a little boy kidnapped my dylancat.
  • 10?: the most cliché of all the clichées = me having sex with someone in a cinema
  • 16 (fell asleep in the afternoon): water, g., something else i don't remember
may 30 2011 ∞
jun 16 2011 +