I saw this idea on another listography page, and I really liked it. So starting on June 1, 2011 - I will be staring the 101 Things To Do In 1001 Days.

  • 1. Save $1 for every task I accomplish.
  • 2. Donate $1 to charity for every unaccomplished task.
  • 3. Colour an entire colouring book.
  • 4. Find out my blood type.
  • 5. Send a message attached to a balloon.
  • 6. Go to a movie by myself.
  • 7. Go computer-free for one week.
  • 8. Have a foodfight.
  • 9. Finish my Wreck This Journal.
  • 10. Scream at the top of my lungs.
  • 11. Wish on a shooting star.
  • 12. Say why today is awesome every day for a year.
  • 13. Meet the vlogbrothers.
  • 14. Experience something magical.
  • 15. Fall in love.
may 24 2011 ∞
jan 2 2012 +