• "No that wasn't any creaky floorboard!" -- Jimmy
  • "Scrumpctious!" -- Judy.
  • "Are you a good magician?" "Good? I'm slightly terrific, here let me show you." -- Jimmy and Mr. Presto.
  • "I'm going, I'm going, I know I'm going!" -- Westly the Wailing Whale.
  • "Do you understand?" "Yes.. what do you mean?" -- King Blotto the Third.
  • "If I have no sleeves, folks will know I have nothing up them." -- Mr. Presto.
  • "A penguin I am and may I say raspberries to all of you!" -- Penguin.
  • "OOH!" "What is it Crazy Quilt, have you a pain?" "A pain? No, I have a plan!" "That's generally the same thing with you.." -- Judy, Crazy Quilt, and Cinnamon Bear.
  • "Back so soon? And where's my strawberry snowcone?" -- Snowman.
nov 23 2009 ∞
dec 28 2009 +