Postcard books and boxes I own and the amount of cards I've sent away from each

    • Marimekko 22/100
    • Bibliophilia 17/100
    • Taschen Pin-Ups 15/100
    • Cookbooks 26/100
    • The Art of Disney: The Renaissance and Beyond 1989-2014 21/100
    • The New Yorker 90/100
    • Cats 26/100
    • Vogue 14/100
    • Flowers 25/100
    • Postcards from Penguin 16/100
    • Animal Box 24/100
    • Fruit & vegetables 14/100
    • Pattern 12/100
    • Bäume (Art of Trees) 10/20
    • Berge (Mountains) 14/20
    • Blumenzauber (Charm of Flowers) 10/20
    • Burgen (Castles) 12/20
    • Engel (Angels) 9/20
    • Expressionismus (Expressionism) 19/20
    • Feen und Elfen (Fairies and Elves) 14/20
    • Gould 7/20
    • Hiroshige 4/20
    • Impressionismus (Impressionism) 10/20
    • Jugendstil (Art Nouveau) 1/21
    • Kandinsky 6/20
    • Katzen (Cats) 12/20
    • Leselust (Pleasure of Reading) 8/20
    • Liebespaare (Couples) 8/20
    • Meer (Sea) 9/20
    • Mondrian 6/20
    • Mucha 4/20
    • Redouté 2/20
    • Rosen (Roses) 6/20
    • Vermeer 17/20
    • Weihnachten (Christmas) 9/20
    • Straßenbahnen (Trams) 16/52
nov 16 2019 ∞
jul 26 2024 +