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Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything

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  • Date someone who says, “I love you” first.
  • End the relationship that makes you act like a lunatic
  • Find a hobby that makes being alone feel lovely and empowering and like something to look forward to.
  • Go on a 4-day, brunch-fueled bender.
  • Go out and watch that movie, read that book, listen to that band you already lied about watching, reading, listening to.
  • Identify your fears
  • Kiss someone you think is out of your league; kiss models and med students and entrepreneurs with part-time lives in Dubai and don’t worry about if they’re going to call you afterward.
  • Learn to say ‘no’ — to yourself.
  • Leave the country under the premise of “finding yourself.”
  • Lose the friend whose sole purpose in life is making you feel like you’re perpetually on the verge of vomiting
  • Make a habit of cleaning up and letting go.
  • Make a habit of going outside, enjoying the light, relearning your friends, forgetting the internet.
  • Make a habit of telling people how you feel
  • Make peace with your parents.
  • Meet someone better than you.
  • Minimize your passivity.
  • Open a savings account.
  • Quit that job that’s making you miserable
  • Recognize freedom as a 5:30 a.m. trip to the diner with a bunch of strangers you’ve just met.
  • Stop hating yourself.
  • Suck it up and buy a Macbook Pro.
  • Take advantage of health insurance while you have it.
  • Take time to revisit the places that made you who you are
  • Try not to beat yourself up over having obtained a ‘useless’ Bachelor’s Degree.
  • Work a service job to gain some understanding of how to keep your cool around assholes
jan 4 2012 ∞
nov 28 2018 +