- The Fault in Our Stars - John Green (283pgs.) (Book club) - january
- Eat, pray and love - Elizabeth Gilbert (399pgs.) - january
- Harry Potter Film Wizardry (160pgs.) - january
- Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert's (444pgs.) (Book club) - february & march
- Click - Milo Manara (236pgs.) (graphic novel) - march
- Comédias para se ler na escola - Luis Fernando Veríssimo (192pgs.) (Book club) - march
- Vestido de noiva - Nelson Rodrigues (104pgs.) (Book club) -march
- A Hora da estrela - Clarice Lispector (88pgs.) (Book club) - march
- The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins (397pgs.) - april
- Catching fire - Suzanne Collins (413pgs.)- april
- Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins (419pgs.) - april
- Looking for Alaska - John Green (229pgs.) - june
- Ham on Rye - Charles Bukowski (316pgs. - pocket) - july
- *Eu receberia as piores notícias dos seus lindos lábios - Marçal Aquino (229pgs.)
- The Maze Runner - James Dashner (426pgs.) - august
- Tempo bom, tempo ruim - Jean Wyllys (188pgs.) - august
- Persepolis - Marjane Satrapi - september
- Boy meet boy - David Levithan (239pgs.) - october
- La Festa dell'insignificanza - Milan Kundera (136pgs.) - october
- Liars - E. Lockhart (272pgs.) - november
- If i stay - Gayle Forman (224pgs). - dezembro
- The power of habit - Charles Duhigg (reading)
- Americanah - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (520pgs) - dezembro
- The art of procrastination - John Perry (128pgs) - october
jan 16 2014 ∞
feb 17 2015 +