junko enoshima

  • junko hung out with sayaka and miu, even though she hated them both
  • she did this because they were popular students, and junko had decided to form a sort of "mean girls" group pretty much
  • junko also loved mikan severely and reminded mikan about this a lot!!!
  • junko was very abusive to mikan, though mikan took it as her way of loving
  • mukuro was not very close to junko
  • monaca and junko were very close friends, monaca being like a little sister to junko
  • junko picked on komaru lightly, but the picking on got worse when junko was introduced to monaca
  • toko hated junko but junko couldn't tell why

(there's a lot more but it's all random and i'll add it later)

hiyoko saionji

  • hiyoko was extremely close to mahiru
  • hiyoko didn't actually bully mikan that much, and when she did, mikan knew she was joking


  • vanilla never partook in any sexual acts or suggestive acts with chocola or any of the other cats
nov 4 2018 ∞
dec 16 2018 +