(__Ø__) denotes a rewatch
(►) denotes a favorite
Show ↘ Episode # ↘ Episode Title
- (__Ø__) Better Off Ted ↘ 1.01 ↘ Pilot
- (__Ø__) Better Off Ted ↘ 1.02 ↘ Heroes
- (__Ø__) Better Off Ted ↘ 1.03 ↘ Through Rose Coloured HAZMAT Suits
- (__Ø__) Better Off Ted ↘ 1.04 ↘ Racial Sensitivity
- Bones ↘ 3.01 ↘
- Bones ↘ 3.02 ↘
- Bones ↘ 3.03 ↘
- Bones ↘ 3.04 ↘
- Bones ↘ 3.05 ↘
- Bones ↘ 3.06 ↘
- Bones ↘ 3.07 ↘
- Bones ↘ 3.08 ↘
- Bones ↘ 3.09 ↘
- Bones ↘ 3.10 ↘
- (__Ø__) Chuck ↘ 1.01 ↘ Chuck vs. The Intersect
- Chuck ↘ 3.16 ↘ Chuck vs The Tooth
- Chuck ↘ 3.17 ↘ Chuck vs The Living Dead
- Chuck ↘ 3.18 ↘ Chuck vs The Subway
- Chuck ↘ 3.19 ↘ Chuck vs The Ring (Part II)
- Community ↘ 1.23 ↘ Modern Warfare
- Community ↘ 1.24 ↘ English as a Second Language
- Community ↘ 1.25 ↘ Pascal's Triangle Revisited
- Criminal Minds ↘ 1.01 ↘ Extreme Aggressor
- Criminal Minds ↘ 1.02 ↘ Compulsion
- Criminal Minds ↘ 1.03 ↘ Won't Get Fooled Again
- Criminal Minds ↘ 1.04 ↘ Plain Sight
- Criminal Minds ↘ 1.05 ↘ Broken Mirror
- Criminal Minds ↘ 1.06 ↘ L.D.S.K
- (__Ø__) Doctor Who ↘ 5.01 ↘ The Eleventh Hour
- Doctor Who ↘ 5.02 ↘ The Beast Below
- Doctor Who ↘ 5.03 ↘ Victory to the Daleks
- Doctor Who ↘ 5.04 ↘ Time of the Angels
- (►) Doctor Who ↘ 5.05 ↘ Flesh and Stone
- Doctor Who ↘ 5.06 ↘ The Vampires of Venice
- (►) Doctor Who ↘ 5.07 ↘ Amy's Choice
- Doctor Who ↘ 5.08 ↘ The Hungry Earth
- Doctor Who ↘ 5.09 ↘ Cold Blood
- (__Ø__) Firefly ↘ 1.01 ↘ Serenity
- (__Ø__) Firefly ↘ 1.02 ↘ The Train Job
- (__Ø__) Firefly ↘ 1.03 ↘ Bushwacked
- (__Ø__) Firefly ↘ 1.04 ↘ Shindig
- Fringe ↘ 2.21 ↘ Northwest Passage
- (►) Fringe ↘ 2.22 ↘ Other Side (Part 1)
- (►) Fringe ↘ 2.23 ↘ Other Side (part 2)
- Glee ↘ 1.17 ↘ Bad Reputation
- Glee ↘ 1.18 ↘ Laryngitis
- Glee ↘ 1.19 ↘ Dream On
- (►) Glee ↘ 1.20 ↘ Theatricality
- How I Met Your Mother ↘ 5.21 ↘ Robots vs. Wrestlers
- How I Met Your Mother ↘ 5.22 ↘ The Wedding Bride
- Psych ↘ 4.14 ↘ Death in the Air
- The Big Bang Theory ↘ 3.21 ↘ The Plimpton Stimulation
- The Big Bang Theory ↘ 3.22 ↘ The Staircase Implementation
- V ↘ 1.11 ↘ Fruition
- V ↘ 1.12 ↘ Red Sky